Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be sure that my Care Worker will stay the full period of the care visit and carry out all the tasks?

We are mindful that your care service is exactly what you agree with us. After every visit, the Care Worker will write the details of tasks undertaken during the visit in the communication record (which is left in your home). You are asked to sign the Care Worker’s timesheet once you are satisfied that all agreed tasks have been completed. This is returned to the SecCare+ office each week for checking.

How do I arrange a care service with SecCare+?

Contact SecCare+ and make an appointment for us to visit you for an assessment of your needs and about how SecCare+ can work for you.

How do I pay for my care?

We will send you a bill once a fortnight. If you wish to pay by standing order (to save you having to remember to write out a cheque) just let us know.

What is the cost of SecCare+ services and can I get help with the fees?

You may be entitled to assistance for care costs from your local authority or via other Government grants. In collaboration with you and your loved ones (if appropriate and with your consent), we will put a detailed plan of care together which will set out the costs as well as the care to be delivered.

Is there anything that my Care Worker cannot do?

Your Care Worker is not able to carry out tasks that only a trained clinician should carry out. Examples are giving injections and changing sterile dressings. Your Care Worker is also not able to carry out tasks that could potentially cause harm to you or the SecCare+ worker. All tasks will be agreed with you in advance, taking potential risks into consideration. Your Care Worker will work to the agreed plan and changes will need to be discussed with the SecCare+ team.

What happens when the office is closed?

Our offices are open from 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. We also operate an out-of-hours on-call service from 7am to 10pm. The number for the on-call service will be provided and there will be someone at the end of the telephone line to assist with queries about your care.

How are my bills managed?

Your bill will be sent fortnightly. Please, let us know if you prefer not to write cheques and pay by standing order instead.

Contact Us

Ask a question or book an appointment below. 

0330 113 1767


The Old Courthouse, Orsett Road, Grays, Essex RM17 5DD